Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I really hate this sem 3. Till now I can't still get any subjects. Susah giler nak dapat kan atleast one subjects. Semua section da closed. Bila buat manually, dissapointment after dissapointment. First,its being rejected by lecturer. Lecturer da tk nk terima student bab klas da pnh. Second, bila da dpt signature from lecturer, head of department plak reject. haiz.... sedih giler.. apelah nasibku this sem 3 nie.

BINGET GILER!!!!! tkkan nak amek tilawah je. dah lah sem 3 nie kene jalan jauh. jln shortcut semua tutup. waduh.. kita panggil jln tu "siratal mustaqim". lol... bab jln tu lurus je tapi jauh giler.

Esok merupakan last day add & drop subject. I will try my luck esok. hope to get AFIS tomorrow. PLEASE!!!! I want to take sem 3.

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